1 - 10 of 10 Listings
Hours: 8,400
Serial Number: RW8430P044936
Tyres or Tracks: Tires
Location: Sikeston, Missouri, USA
Seller: Dewitt Auction Co
Hours: 7,341
Automated Transmission Type: Powershift
Drive: MFWD
Location: Memphis, Missouri, USA
Seller: Ed's Machinery LLC
Hours: 2,564
Remote Hydraulics: 4
HasPTO: Yes
Location: Williamsburg, Iowa, USA
Seller: Blue Equipment
Hours: 5,700
Automated Transmission Type: Powershift
Drive: MFWD
Location: Quincy, Illinois, USA
Seller: Midwest Wholesale Tractors
Hours: 9,034
HasPTO: Yes
Automated Transmission Type: Powershift
Location: Abernathy, Texas, USA
Seller: L&S Ag Services LLC
Hours: 8,530.8
Drive: MFWD
Serial Number: D040270
Location: Sikeston, Missouri, USA
Seller: Kevin DeWitt Equipment, LLC
Hours: 12,354
Drive: 4WD
Serial Number: -
Location: Pragsdorf, Germany
Seller: MERKANTIL Export-Import GmbH
2009 JOHN DEERE 8430T 300 HP or Greater Tractors
USD $48,725
(VAT applies to buyers in South Africa)
Hours: 13,400
Drive: Track
Engine Output: 315 HP
Location: Lichtenburg, North West, South Africa
Seller: Agricor (Pty) Ltd
Hours: 6,841.2
Drive: Track
Serial Number: T905102
Location: Sikeston, Missouri, USA
Seller: Kevin DeWitt Equipment, LLC
Hours: 4,431
Drive: Track
Engine Output: 335 HP
Location: Osage, Iowa, USA
Seller: Leid View Tractors