1 - 28 of 75 Listings
Maibach Tractor - Creston, Ohio
Location:13701 Eby Road
Creston, OH, USA 44217
Phone: (330) 462-7049
Contact: Sales
Company Details
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Hours: 2,911
Remote Hydraulics: 2
Transmission Type: Mechanical Shuttle
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Condition: Used
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Hours: 6,383
Remote Hydraulics: 4
HasPTO: Yes
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Operating Type: Mounted
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Serial Number: N16192R03-10
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Mower Type: 3 Pt.
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Serial Number: 202202734
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Serial Number: 202101711
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Serial Number: 510945
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Serial Number: 222MS43082
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Serial Number: 322SS12065
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Serial Number: 321HC14092
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Serial Number: 321HCH4356
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Hours: 3,150
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Surface Wrap: Yes
Serial Number: E00567X189446
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Width: 2.97 m
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Condition: New
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Condition: Used
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Cutterbar Type: Rotary Disc
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Width: 3.05 m
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Cutterbar Type: Rotary Disc
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Number of Bales: 1
Surface Wrap: Yes
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Bale Width: 45.72 cm
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Bale Width: 45.72 cm
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Bale Height: 35.56 cm
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Hours: 4
Drive: MFWD
Transmission Type: Hydro
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA
Hours: 4
Drive: MFWD
Transmission Type: Hydro
Location: Creston, Ohio, USA