1 - 17 of 17 Listings
Service Motor, Co. - Seymour, Wisconsin
Location:831 N. Main
Seymour, WI, USA 54165
Phone: (920) 214-5023
Contact: Sales Department
View On Map
Condition: Used
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Serial Number: PXG2304195
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Condition: Used
Stock Number: S010444
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Width: 1.02 m
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 2,412
Condition: Used
Stock Number: A002427A
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 607
Condition: Used
Stock Number: A021428A
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 10
Drive: 4WD
Engine Output: 70 HP
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 14
Drive: MFWD
Engine Output: 99 HP
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 446
Drive: MFWD
Engine Output: 250 HP
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 8,224
Condition: Used
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Condition: Used
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Condition: Used
Stock Number: A022855
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Number of Rows: 8
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Condition: Used
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Number of Rows: 16
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Twin Row Planter: Yes
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Hours: 15
Stock Number: A025873
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Condition: Used
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA
Condition: Used
Location: Seymour, Wisconsin, USA