1 - 28 of 144 Listings
Agri Center - South Hutchinson, Kansas
Location:5104 S. STATE RD 96
Phone: (620) 625-7012
Contact: Lee File
Company Details
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Hours: 2,724
Drive: 4WD
Stock Number: 101721
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Bales: 19062
Bale Size: 1,088.62 kg
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Serial Number: 23140
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Rows: 32
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Number of Acres: 9,402.08 ha
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Rows: 16
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Rows: 16
Row Spacing: 76.2 cm
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 1,396
Remote Hydraulics: 5
HasPTO: Yes
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 58
HasPTO: Yes
Automated Transmission Type: CVT
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Width: 10.67 m
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Width: 12.19 m
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Width: 12.19 m
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Serial Number: I8001585
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Serial Number: I8001576
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Serial Number: I8001465
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Serial Number: 18001090
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Acres: 331.84 ha
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Number of Acres: 331.84 ha
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 2,021
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 3,394
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 2,484
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 2,735
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 3,900
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 2,650
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 150
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center
Hours: 2,650
Location: South Hutchinson, Kansas, USA
Seller: Agri Center