1 - 28 of 68 Listings
Midwest Machinery Co. - Sauk Centre
Location:1140 CENTRE STREET
Sauk Centre, MN, USA 56378
Phone: (320) 365-1193
Contact: Used Equipment Sales - Sauk Centre
Company Details
View On Map
Hours: 6,350
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Hours: 290
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 0006005096
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Hours: 250
Rear PTO: Yes
Transmission Type: IVT
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Hours: 400
Rear PTO: Yes
Transmission Type: Powershift
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Hours: 802
Rear PTO: Yes
Drive: Track
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Hours: 172
Boom Width: 36.58 m
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Hours: 195
Boom Width: 36.58 m
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Number of Bales: 8500
Surface Wrap: Yes
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Number of Bales: 4770
Surface Wrap: Yes
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Cutting Width: 9.14 m
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM640CGHEE122703
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0649GKMM137955
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0649GCMM138199
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0649GAKL135745
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: KM0678E108674
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0686GAAA114061
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0690GHHJ131230
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0690GTGG127081
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0690GPFF125224
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0692GVHJ131270
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0696GVFF124961
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0696GHFF125581
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0770GKRR144782
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0770GABB115691
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0772GAMN139584
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0772GVMM139525
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA
Serial Number: 1KM0772GPMM138286
Location: Sauk Centre, Minnesota, USA