MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual
    MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual
    MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual
    MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual
    MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual
    MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual
    MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual
    MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual
    MISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijualMISTRSPRAY 80 Used Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang untuk dijual


    Aplikator Pupuk Kering 3 Titik/Yang Dapat Dipasang
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    KSfarms Mfg.

    Kontak:David Holthaus

    Baileyville, Kansas, AS 66404


    35 and 80 Gallon "complete" drainable sprayers. This is the neatest little three point mounted sprayer we have seen. We were so impressed that we decided to become a dealer for this product. It was very well thought out and designed. It has many accommodating features. First being is the completely drainable tank. We are constantly switching chemicals to spray different things. Being able to get the last drop out is important to prevent cross contamination. Boom easily detaches with one wing nut. It can be removed and fitted with boomless nozzles for pasture or lawn spraying. This is nice when you have a lot of obstacles to spray around. Includes pto roller pump. Hand gun is standard on both models. Tanks are available in 35 and 80 gallon sizes. 35 Gallon size accepts cat 1. 80 Gallon size accepts cat 1 and 2 three point hitches. Choice of 12' and 18' booms with 3 section control on either tank size model. Also choice of electric and manual on/off control. Now available with 3 section electrick control. This is a very well built, high quality sprayer. Its a lot of sprayer for the money. Pictured is the 80 gallon tank size model with 18' boom and electric on/off control. We have 35 and 80 gallon size models in stock here at Ksfarms in Baileyville, KS with choice of 12' and 18' boom. See for more info. PRICING less freight from VA. Contact us for freight quote. SPRAYER- CHOICE TANK SIZE -35 GALLON $1833 -80 GALLON $2172 ​​BOOM CHOICE -12' $605 -18' $715 ​​​ON/OFF CONTROL -MANUAL $214.50 -12V single ele./3 sect. manual $374 -12v 3 section ele. $638 ​​​ACCESSORIES -BOOMLESS NOZZLE KIT $198 -BOOM EXTENSION KIT 36" $132 -GUARDs FOR OUTER NOZZLE (need 2)​ pair $72.60