SHIELDAG New Alat Tambahan Aplikator Bahan Kimia untuk dijualSHIELDAG New Alat Tambahan Aplikator Bahan Kimia untuk dijual


    Alat Tambahan Aplikator Bahan Kimia
    IDR Rp27.316.453,50 
    Harga dimasukkan sebagai: USD $1,722.00

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    Kontak:Darren Zerr

    Salina, Kansas, AS 67401

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    Alat Tambahan Aplikator Bahan Kimia
    The coulter shaft of these ShieldAg units is 1 ¾” medium carbon steel for extra durability. The shank spring-in-a-spring design gives the shank up to 800lbs of down force. The springs are made with a unique material that has a higher silica content. This material reduces the risk of spring memory to extend the operating life of the shank trip mechanism. The standard shank is an edge-bent shank as these have proven to hold up the best when pulled behind 600+ HP tractors. The double arm sealers are arranged so that each sealer can move independently of the other. Two sets of Timken bearings on the pivot points give the sealers extra strength. The sealer arms have bracing to allow them to be used as hippers. This means the sealer blades can be reversed to leave a slightly raised bed. Slotted holes on the sealer arms and paddles give the operator a very wide range of blade angle setup to ensure the nitrogen is always sealed properly. Our standard 18” sealer blades are “mud release” blades. They have holes in the sides to reduce the area for sticky soil to adhere to. This allows the operator to work in higher moisture field conditions. Standard 18” blades are available upon request. Due to our customer satisfaction with mud release blades, our standard row units are equipped with these blades. Our row unit prices do not include knives. We have over 450 knives to choose from with the most popular models available on our website. For more details about the commercial-grade row units from ShieldAg, please watch the video on this page. It will give you detailed technical specifications to show how it will enhance your farming operation.

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