1 - 28 of 30 Listings
Valley Implement - Preston, Idaho
Lokasi:213 W. 800 N.
Preston, ID, AS 83263
Nomor hp: (208) 482-5118
Kontak: Richard Nelson
View On Map
Jam: 221
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Nomor Seri: CFH0096208
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
Jam: 2,000
Drive: MFWD
Loader: Ya
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
Jam: 3,900
Automated Transmission Type: Powershift
Drive: 4WD
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Jam: 1,420
Remote Hydraulics: 3
Drive: 4WD
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
CASE IH SC414D Mesin Pengondisi Pemotong Rumput/Mesin Pemotong Tanaman Tipe Tarik
IDR Rp63.719.299
Lebar: 4.27 m
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
2007 CASE IH SPX4420 Aplikator Bahan Kimia Penyemprot dengan Propeler Mandiri
IDR Rp1.306.245.622
Nomor Seri: Y7T022200
Kondisi: Bekas
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
Drive: Quad Track
Nomor Seri: JEE0100652
Tenaga kuda: 375 HP
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
ROPS: Enclosed
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
ROPS: Enclosed
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
ROPS: Enclosed
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Kondisi: Bekas
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
Lebar: 4.7 m
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Drive: MFWD
Loader: Ya
Tenaga kuda: 60 HP
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Jam: 3,600
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Nomor Seri: GP-A1858P
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Lebar: 6.1 m
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
Nomor Seri: 1050000U007388
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Nomor Seri: 1210000U006548
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
Lebar: 3.35 m
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Nomor Seri: 503449
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
Jam: 11,779
Transmission Type: Powershift
Drive: MFWD
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Number of Bales: 28000
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Nomor Seri: AGCM29460HHR10117
Kondisi: Bekas
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Bale Height: 89.92 cm
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement
Kondisi: Bekas
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Nomor Seri: 09-120189
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston
Kondisi: Bekas
Lokasi: Preston, Idaho, AS
Seller: Valley Implement - Preston