Number of Bales: 3793
Serial Number: 1E0460RDHPP493831
Location: Big Spring, Texas, USA
Seller: South Plains Implement - Big Spring
Number of Bales: 2219
Surface Wrap: Yes
Location: Poteau, Oklahoma, USA
Seller: P&K Equipment - Poteau, OK
Number of Bales: 6500
Surface Wrap: Yes
Location: Seminole, Texas, USA
Seller: South Plains Implement - Seminole
Number of Bales: 10333
Surface Wrap: Yes
Location: Luverne, Minnesota, USA
Seller: C & B Operations, LLC - Luverne
Number of Bales: 4650
Serial Number: 1E0460RDLLL464121
Location: Seminole, Texas, USA
Seller: South Plains Implement - Seminole
Number of Bales: 8950
Surface Wrap: Yes
Location: Pryor, Oklahoma, USA
Seller: P&K Equipment - Pryor, OK